?Innovation is the driver of growth and productivity. Many managers would believe that they encourage innovation but the facts do not support this. A highly innovative culture finds ways to increase productivity and produce better results.
Innovation is the driver of growth and productivity. Many managers would believe that they encourage innovation but the facts do not support this. An Innovative culture produces top results.
Why should successful managers focus time and attention on building a culture of constant innovation? Your performance and competitive position depend on it!
An innovative business unit culture is a committed, excited and empowered team. Managers who seek real growth, performance and productivity will not reach these goals by occasional ?innovation intervention?. Success is achieved in constant, incremental innovations by the business unit. An innovative team is engaged daily in the process of finding ways to get better.
In the October, 2012 edition of Entrepreneur Magazine, The Innovators, they produced a very telling article about Steve Case one of America?s most dedicated supporters of entrepreneurship. Consider this excerpt from the article:
The only way to continue to have a robust economy is to out-innovate other nations, and the only way to out-innovate other nations is to have the entrepreneurial culture and support structure around capital and talent?that enables the United States to be in the lead.
What makes any managers business unit any different?
The bottom line here is that the top performing companies, business units and business teams mirror this need for innovation. Here are five Key questions and corresponding action steps to bring any managers team to the forefront of an innovation culture.
- Ask yourself how many truly innovative ideas were developed and implemented by my business unit in the last 6 months that had a measurable impact on productivity?
- What steps have I taken to consistently stress the need for innovation and the responsibility of each and every team member (top to bottom) to seek real innovation?
- In meetings, communications and business unit interactions, does the ?innovation focus? get real time and attention?
- What recognition, rewards and individual attention are used to support people who uncover productivity enhancing innovation?
- Can you really become the top team in your company, among your competition and in your industry without innovation that increases productivity?
Managers at all levels need to step back and consider 5 important innovation steps.
First, take a really candid look at your innovation accomplishments and that of your business unit. Innovation is such a dominant ingredient in high-performing teams that it cannot be left to chance. Set specific goals and measurements around innovation.
Make the need for innovation among the top five criteria on which every single person on the team is measured. Innovation is a performance review criteria.
The topic of innovation and corresponding results must be an agenda item at every regular meeting of a manager?s business unit. It must be highlighted, stressed and reviewed in order to create a culture of innovative awareness.
There must be meaningful recognition, meaningful rewards and meaningful attention brought to new ideas and the people who innovate them. Don?t think for one moment that an innovation culture can be built with out recognition and re-enforcement.
As Steve Case says in the Entrepreneur magazine article, ? we must ? out-innovate? and this applies to every manager and every business unit. Want a significant productivity boost? Want a high-performing, best-of-class business team? Build a culture of rampant innovation?and start today!
Connect with me on Google+
Contact: Mike Moore
Telephone: 513 520-7199,or
e-mail at mdmoore.marketing@gmail.com
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About the Author/Resources
To find out these advanced concepts click here> 5 Must Have Management Skills or simply visit plan-delegate-manage.com/the-five-essential-characteristics-for-career-advancement/ and get your complimentary copy. Michael D. Moore is a veteran executive with over 40 years of experience in the Insurance and banking industries in the United States.? He is the creator of the website, www.plan-delegate-manage.com, which strives to bring real world experience, proven skills and valuable delegation tools to managers around the world.
Source: http://plan-delegate-manage.com/5-ways-to-promote-innovation-for-higher-productivity/
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