When a New Year takes hold, it is always beneficial to reflect upon where you have been as well as look ahead to where you want to go. I was raised to always have a strategy for my life whether it be in the form of a one-year, five-year or ten-year plan. So as not to flounder, it?s always useful to have a plan, especially when it comes to your wellness.
In business, planning often occurs annually with quarterly check-in?s to make sure all is on track. Typical plans include consideration of budgets, manpower, time, priorities, etc. Have you ever thought about your personal annual budget, the amount of time you really want to work versus spend with family and friends, your true priorities in life, a food budget for your nutritional goals, an exercise budget for your fitness goals, etc.?
What would happen if you practiced the same technique for your personal life? What if you planned out your year in advance and once a quarter checked in with yourself to make sure you?re still headed where you want? Could this simple act help reduce stress because you?re practicing proactive versus reactive behavior? Could it set you up for success and better health because you?re following a path you've chosen versus taking one you thought was expected?
The quality of your wellness today is in direct correlation to the choices you made in the past. The choices you make today and onward will determine your future wellness. When you choose to plan and then make the conscious choice to act on your plan, you will manifest your intentions and live in wellness now.
Five Steps to a Successful Wellness Plan:
1. Vision: What is your vision for your wellness? Take some time to list what you most desire to achieve and/or experience with your wellness. Try dividing this list into sections: Overall lifestyle, Medical, Nutritional, Fitness, and Spiritual.
2. Intentions: Pulling from your Vision List, specify intentions for your personal wellness that you will accomplish over the next 12 months.
3. Values: Prioritize the values you will be honoring by bringing your intentions to fruition.
4. SMART Plan: What goals and objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) must be achieved in order to fulfill your intentions without compromising your values?
5. Actions/Tasks: Create a prioritized list of action-oriented tasks to complete your intentions for the year. Break them down into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly segments. Check in regularly to ensure you?re on your chosen path. If not, adjust and continue. If so, congratulate yourself and keep moving forward!!
Author's Bio:?
Barbara B. Appelbaum, ACC, MBA, MAT of Appelbaum Wellness LLC is a passionate health and wellness coach whose genuine compassion, expertise and first-hand knowledge bring out the authentic potential in her clients when they are unable to do so on their own. Having experienced the process of learning to regard life?s adversities as a gift and making her own life one of meaning and purpose, Barbara understands the courage necessary to taking steps toward positive, lasting change. Her greatest wish is to never hear a person say, ?I should be taking better care of myself.?
Want to know a secret? How about 25 of them? Get your FREE report ?25 Insider Secrets for Optimal Wellness? now at http://www.appelbaumwellness.com
Source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/create-a-successful-wellness-plan
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