Santa Rosa, Ca (PRWEB) February 27, 2012
The Imperfect Messenger Foundation supports the efforts of Curtis Greco and his staffs dedication to rally a strategic movement toward revitalizing U.S. Tax and Energy Policy and as he stated in his recent appearance with U.S. Senatorial Candidate, Tim Aalders of Utah, This Nations problems are not a function of resource; it is a function of capacity. We suffer from a lack of leadership and intellectual capacity at critical levels of government and enterprise. The bias in favor of the status quo is silencing productive thought and strategic future-vision. The single greatest obstacle to revitalizing this Nations Economic Health is a conspicuous unwillingness to overhaul both Tax and Energy Policy; two areas seized by selective interests in control of the political process.
Greco continued: We need to trigger economic-mobility and this is accomplish by unleashing both consumptive demand and productive capacity; this will only occur by disposing the current Tax Code and fueled by an Energy Policy that yields abundant and affordable energy. To understand the elementary components of Tax Reformulation I would recommend reading one of my articles, Taxation: Never Flat or Fair. We have so distorted the Constitutional routine of Uniform and Apportioned taxation that we now have a tax system that is the polar-opposite of these ideals; a completely dysfunctional system. As it is we now tax productive capacity at its native origins, the Individual, and we leave the most fertile tax revenue source, Corporate, Passive, Trade and Non-Profit Incomes as feral. Absolutely irrational.
Greco prepared a forward-thinking advisory containing vital and strategic counsel sending the material, including each of the three Volumes in the Blind-Vision Series, to Senate Budget and Finance Committee members as well as one hundred and thirty other key government officials stating that, We are attempting to redirect their attention to an entirely different level and direction. He wrote to each of the recipients stating: If we are to fuel our reinvention and ultimate success it will only come from disposing of the routines that are poisoning positive productive outcome and move to a future of success through means that are presently being ignored and through the many which have not yet entered the lexicon of thought. Without a rational approach to Taxation and the establishing of an Energy Policy based on Economic Scaling, Environmental Stewardship, Sustainable and Reliable resourcing there will be no future economic vitality; we will merely surrender further to the progressive processing of our demise. The current opt-in approach of tinkering with the dying patient, though perhaps Politically Palatable, will not positively yield to future on-par with our potential. The extent to which we succeed will be proportional to our willingness to set aside the bias of vested interests and the political clout these interests control.
The Imperfect Messenger Foundation released a brief containing many of Mr. Grecos recommendations a summary of which is as follows:
Proposed Tax Code Highlights:
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